X-To: ewernert@cs.indiana.edu X-Date: 96-02-04 18:06:05 est Eric: A Web search via "altavista.digital.com" turned up your page http://www.cs.indiana.edu/classes/a107/f94.pc/readings/dvorak.html This was something I wrote and posted to Usenet a few years ago (late 1991?), although I don't seem to be able to locate a copy of the original myself. The material is based on research I did while writing an article on the subject for BYTE magazine in 1984. Alas, the editor- in-chief killed the article before it ever got into print.... I don't mind your placing the article on the Web, but I'd appreciate a byline. I keep some technical information on the Web myself: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~shuford/terminal_index.html Richard S. Shuford shuford@cs.utk.edu