memconf - 01-Feb-2001 V1.37 -
perl script that displays memory modules installed in a Sun system.
Listed in the
SunManagers FAQ.
Usage: memconf [ -v | -D | -h ] [ explorer_dir ]
-v verbose mode
-D send results to memconf maintainer
-h print help
explorer_dir Sun Explorer output directory
memconf reports the size of each SIMM/DIMM memory
module installed in a system. It also reports the system type and any empty
memory sockets. In verbose mode, it also reports:
banner name, model, and CPU/system frequencies
address range and bank numbers for each module
If memconf does not completely recognize a system,
then please send the output of '/usr/sbin/prtconf -pv' on Solaris 2.X or later,
or '/usr/etc/devinfo -pv' on Solaris 1.X and
'/usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v' if available to so
that memconf can be enhanced to properly recognize it. You can do this using
the 'memconf -D' command. If the unrecognized system is a Sun clone, please
also send any hardware documentation on the memory layout that you may have.
memconf is Y2K compliant. There are no
date calls in the program. Your Operating System or Perl version may not be Y2K
Based on SunManagers SUMMARY by Howard Modell on 29-Jan-1997.
Sun SPARC workstation or server running
SunOS 4.1.X, Solaris 2.X or later.
perl installed in your path.
Perl V5.X is recommended, but perl V4.X will work. You can download the Perl
package for Solaris from
if you don't already have it installed.
Use GNU "gunzip" or "uncompress" to uncompress the file. Your browser may
automatically uncompress the file for you. If you download on a Windows PC,
you may need to use "dos2unix" to convert the file.
> memconf
hostname: my-ss20
Sun SPARCstation 20 MP (2 X SuperSPARC-II)
socket J0201 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0303 has a 16MB SIMM
socket J0202 has a 16MB SIMM
socket J0301 has a 32MB SIMM
socket J0305 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0203 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0302 has a 64MB SIMM
sockets J0304/J0407 have a 4MB VSIMM installed for SX (CG14) graphics
empty sockets: None
total memory = 320MB
On a Sun Ultra 60 system:
> memconf -v
memconf: V1.37 01-Feb-2001
hostname: my-ultra60
banner: Sun Ultra 60 UPA/PCI (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz)
model: Ultra-60
Solaris 7 5/99 s998s_u2SunServer_09 SPARC, 64-bit kernel, SunOS 5.7
2 cpus, cpu freq: 450MHz, system freq: 113MHz
CPU Units:
========================= CPUs =========================
Run Ecache CPU CPU
Brd CPU Module MHz MB Impl. Mask
--- --- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----
0 0 0 450 4.0 US-II 10.0
0 2 2 450 4.0 US-II 10.0
Memory Units:
socket U0701 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0702 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0703 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0704 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0801 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0802 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0803 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0804 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
empty sockets: U0901 U0902 U0903 U0904 U1001 U1002 U1003 U1004
total memory = 1024MB (1GB)
Running memconf gives me this error:
"/usr/bin/env: No such file or directory"
Cause: perl is not found in the path of
your shell
Solution: Add the path where perl is
installed to your shells path in .profile or .cshrc, or change the magic line
of the memconf perl script to read "#!/usr/local/bin/perl" using the path to
your perl install.
You can download Sun Explorer from
To use this output, you must specify the directory with the extracted files,
not the .uu or tar.gz file generated by Sun Explorer.
Tested to work on:
sun4c Sun SS1, SS2, IPC, IPX, ELC with Open Boot PROM V2.X
sun4u Sun Ultra 80, Enterprise 420R, and Netra t1400/1405.
Not enough information is provided about the memory in the prtconf and
prtdiag outputs by the Open Boot PROM.
Systems without /dev/openprom
sun4c SS1, SS1+, SLC, IPC with Open Boot PROM V1.X (no 'memory' lines
in devinfo/prtconf output)
sun4 kernel architecture, and sun3 and older systems
Perl 5.001 is known to have problems with hex number conversions
To Do:
Suggest memory upgrade options in verbose mode
Test on untested systems above, adding verbose to those that lack it
Add sun4m Sun SPARCengine 5 and 20
Add sun4u Sun SPARCengine Ultra 1, 2, 20, AXdp, and AXe
Add SPARCengine CP 1200, 1400, 2000
Add JavaEngine 1
Add newer systems as they come out
Recognize VME bus memory cards in 4/6x0
Add cache memory information
Add Sun clones
Revision History:
29-Jan-1997 - V1.0 - From SunManagers SUMMARY by Howard Modell
05-Feb-1997 - V1.1 - Ported to SunOS, added slot information, etc.
07-Jan-2000 - V1.20 - Updated Ultra 80 and Enterprise 420R detection. Not
enough information is provided about the memory in their prtconf and prtdiag
outputs to give an accurate evaluation of the memory installed. Fix for some
Netra t1 256MB mezzanine boards. Detect unsupported memory sizes.
13-Jan-2000 - V1.20.1 - Fix detection of number of CPUs. Improve
Ultra10/333MHz detection. Change 32MB SIMM detection on SS10 from an error to a
warning since according to Sun, the 32MB SIMM is not supported, but it appears
to work fine (perhaps an OBP rev issue?).
23-Feb-2000 - V1.23.1 - Improved SS10 32MB SIMM compatibility check since
32MB SIMMs do work with OBP 2.19 and later. Tested OK on Tatung COMPstation 20S.
Enhance NVSIMM detection.
24-Feb-2000 - V1.23.2 - Added Netra ft1800.
21-Mar-2000 - V1.24 - Report empty memory slots on Ultra Enterprise
3x00/4x00/5x00/6x00/10000 and SS1000/SC2000 systems.
04-Apr-2000 - V1.24.1 - Tested OK on Enterprise 220R. Fix for Netra t1
512MB mezzanine boards. Added CompuAdd SS-2 clone.
10-Apr-2000 - V1.24.2 - Added Ultra CP 1500.
18-Apr-2000 - V1.25 - Tested OK on Netra t1120. Improve detection of empty
memory slots on Enterprise CPU boards. Improve CPU reporting in verbose mode.
Improve Ultra AXi.
19-Apr-2000 - V1.25.1 - Bug fix for SPARCengine Ultra AXi with 8 DIMMs.
Added memory interleave detection for Ultra 5/10.
24-Apr-2000 - V1.26 - Update 32MB SIMM test for OBP 2.14 SS10 systems.
Added "-D" option to gather information on unrecognized systems and E-mail it
to the memconf maintainer.
27-Apr-2000 - V1.26.1 - Updated SPARCengine UltraAXmp/AXmp+ (AXUS 450 and
other clones use these motherboards).
02-May-2000 - V1.26.2 - Check for old SunOS 4.1.3_U1 kernel on SS5 with
11-May-2000 - V1.26.3 - Tested OK on SS1 with OBP 2.X.
17-May-2000 - V1.27 - Detect 32MB SIMMs on LX and Classic. Detect bad
banner names.
01-Jun-2000 - V1.27.1 - Add Fujitsu SPARC clones.
07-Jun-2000 - V1.28 - Added SPARCengine UltraAXe.
06-Jul-2000 - V1.29 - Added dual bank DIMM detection for Ultra AXmp+.
Improve Ultra 80 output for common stuffings.
08-Aug-2000 - V1.29.1 - Tested OK on Tatung COMPstation 20AL and Fujitsu
S-4/10H. Improve OBP version check.
28-Aug-2000 - V1.30 - Fix 32MB SIMM detection on LX and Classic. Added
Fujitsu GP7000F.
25-Oct-2000 - V1.31 - Added Tatung COMPstation U60. Improved Fujitsu GP7000
and GP7000F detection. Added Twinhead TWINstation 5G. Generate an error if
prtdiag does not report memory when it should.
06-Nov-2000 - V1.32 - Added Sun Blade 1000.
15-Nov-2000 - V1.33 - Added Perl version detection and COMPstation 10.
12-Dec-2000 - V1.34 - Add ability to read Sun Explorer output.
22-Jan-2001 - V1.35 - Improve 32MB SIMM detection on SS10 with OBP 2.X.
Added Fujitsu Siemens PrimePower 200 and 400.
23-Jan-2001 - V1.35.1 - Detect empty memory slots on Fujitsu GP7000 and
GP7000F and Fujitsu Siemens PrimePower 200 and 400.
24-Jan-2001 - V1.36 - Improve OBP version lookup. Added Sun Blade 100.
01-Feb-2001 - V1.37 - Improve Solaris release detection. Tested OK on
Twinhead TWINstation 20G. Added Fujitsu Siemens PrimePower 800.