Sun UNIX memconf utility

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memconf - 01-Feb-2001 V1.37 - perl script that displays memory modules installed in a Sun system. Listed in the SunManagers FAQ.

Usage: memconf [ -v | -D | -h ] [ explorer_dir ]
                 -v            verbose mode
                 -D            send results to memconf maintainer
                 -h            print help
                 explorer_dir  Sun Explorer output directory
memconf reports the size of each SIMM/DIMM memory module installed in a system. It also reports the system type and any empty memory sockets. In verbose mode, it also reports:

If memconf does not completely recognize a system, then please send the output of '/usr/sbin/prtconf -pv' on Solaris 2.X or later, or '/usr/etc/devinfo -pv' on Solaris 1.X and '/usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v' if available to so that memconf can be enhanced to properly recognize it. You can do this using the 'memconf -D' command. If the unrecognized system is a Sun clone, please also send any hardware documentation on the memory layout that you may have.

Maintained by Tom Schmidt (

memconf is Y2K compliant. There are no date calls in the program. Your Operating System or Perl version may not be Y2K compliant.

Based on SunManagers SUMMARY by Howard Modell on 29-Jan-1997.


Downloading: Installation: Sample output:

On a Sun SPARCstation 20 SX system:

> memconf
hostname: my-ss20
Sun SPARCstation 20 MP (2 X SuperSPARC-II)
socket J0201 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0303 has a 16MB SIMM
socket J0202 has a 16MB SIMM
socket J0301 has a 32MB SIMM
socket J0305 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0203 has a 64MB SIMM
socket J0302 has a 64MB SIMM
sockets J0304/J0407 have a 4MB VSIMM installed for SX (CG14) graphics
empty sockets: None
total memory = 320MB
On a Sun Ultra 60 system:
> memconf -v
memconf:  V1.37 01-Feb-2001
hostname: my-ultra60
banner:   Sun Ultra 60 UPA/PCI (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz)
model:    Ultra-60
Solaris 7 5/99 s998s_u2SunServer_09 SPARC, 64-bit kernel, SunOS 5.7
2 cpus, cpu freq: 450MHz, system freq: 113MHz
CPU Units:
========================= CPUs =========================
                    Run   Ecache   CPU    CPU
Brd  CPU   Module   MHz     MB    Impl.   Mask
---  ---  -------  -----  ------  ------  ----
 0     0     0      450     4.0   US-II    10.0
 0     2     2      450     4.0   US-II    10.0
Memory Units:
socket U0701 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0702 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0703 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0704 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 0, address 0x00000000-0x1fffffff)
socket U0801 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0802 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0803 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
socket U0804 has a 128MB DIMM (bank 1, address 0x20000000-0x3fffffff)
empty sockets: U0901 U0902 U0903 U0904 U1001 U1002 U1003 U1004
total memory = 1024MB (1GB)
FAQ: Tested to work on: Untested systems that might work: Won't work on: To Do: Revision History:

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