Win95 Hot List
Win95 Bug List

Win 95 Bug List

Updated March 12, 1996

Here are some of the more dangerous, comic or widespread bugs affecting Windows 95 systems right now.

These items are selected from among thousands of entries in the BugNet BugMaster Database.

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Hewlett Packard Printer Failures

When you attempt to print a document that contains complex graphical images to a non-PostScript Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4 or Laser Jet 5 printer, the error light on the printer may blink and the document may not be printed. The problem is that print jobs under Windows 95 require more memory, and you have exceeded the memory installed in your printer. According to Microsoft, this problem is known to occur with the Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 4, 4M, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4Si, 4Si MX, 4V, 4MV, 5P, 5MP. The work-around:

1. In Control Panel, double-click the Printers icon.

2. Use the right mouse button to click the printer you are using, and then click Properties on the menu that appears.

3. On the Details tab, click Spool settings, and then click RAW in the Spool Data Format box.

4. On the Graphics tab, click the Use Raster Graphics option.

5. On the Fonts tab, click the Print TrueType As Graphics option.

6. On the Device Options tab, move the Printer Memory Tracking slider all the way to the right (to the Aggressive setting).

7. Verify that the Printer Memory setting matches the amount of memory installed in the printer.

8. If the Page Protection check box is not unavailable, click the check box to clear it if it is selected, or click the check box to select it if it is cleared. The check box may be unavailable, depending on the printer model you are using and the amount of memory installed in the printer.

Netscape & the Vanishing URLs

Netscape acknowledges that there is a problem with Netscape Navigator 1.2 running under Windows 95. The URL in the header may print garbled or illegible. The fix is to reinstall your Windows 95 fonts, according to Netscape.


When running Windows 95 you may receive random GPFs in MMSYSTEM.DLL if the


line is missing from the [boot] section of your SYSTEM.INI. The work-around:

1. Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the SYSTEM.INI file.

2. Add the drivers=mmsystem.dll line to the [boot] section of the file:

3. Save and then close the SYSTEM.INI file.

4. Restart your computer.

Publisher 95 Psuedo Freeze-up

Microsoft has confirmed there is a problem with Microsoft Publisher 95 Setup on some computers, which causes an apparent freeze-up after displaying the message
Setup is searching for installed components.
The workaround is to wait (sometimes up to 30 minutes) until Setup continues and completes successfully. If installing from a CDROM drive, ejecting and reinserting the Publisher CD with a minimised Explorer Window (logged to the CDROM drive) has been reported to "nudge" the Setup program into continuing more rapidly.

CD-ROM Screw Up

Another setup related problem acknowledged by Microsoft is if you install Publisher from compact disc under Windows 95, you may receive an error messages similar to
x:\ is not accessible
The device is not ready
which are caused by Windows 95 failing to correctly identify the CD-ROM in use and erroneously optimizing the access pattern for a quadruple-speed drive. These error messages can also occur when installing Microsoft Office, accessing clip art or playing Media Clips from compact disc. To fix this you should select Performance / File System / CD-ROM from the Properties option of "My Computer," and choose the "Optimize Access Pattern For" option which closely matches your CD-ROM drive. Click OK and restart Windows 95.

Ignoring Publisher Errors

There is a problem associated with installing the "Outside Printing" feature in Microsoft Publisher 3.0 Setup if you are installing from the same drive you installed Windows 95. If you respond "Yes" to the question asking if you want to install Outside Printing, Publisher will ask you to insert some of your Windows 95 disks. However, after copying some files, it will not prompt for reinsertion of the Publisher 95 disk. You should ignore any error messages, insert the Publisher 95 disk and click OK or Continue. This problem does not occur if you copy your Windows 95 files from a different drive than the one you install Publisher from.

Excel Long File Name Problem

If you try to open a file with a long filename (LFN) that (1) contains spaces and (2) has no association in an Office 95 program such as Word 7 or Excel 7, the document may not open, and you may receive errors like
Cannot find \Long.xls or \Long.doc

Cannot find \File.xls or \File.doc

Cannot find \Name.xls or \Name.doc

The work-around: 1. Double-click My Computer.

2. On the View menu, click Options.

3. On the File Types tab, click Microsoft Excel Worksheet in the Registered File Types box, and then click Edit.

4. In the Actions box, click Open, and then click Edit.

5. In the Application Used To Perform Action box, append a space and "%1" (with the quotation marks) to the end of the line. For example, the corrected line might look like:

C:\MSOffice\Excel\excel.exe "%1"

NOTE: It is important that there be a space before "%1".

6. Click OK, and then click Close twice.

7. Repeat steps 3-7 for Microsoft Word Documents.

CorelDraw 6 & Windows NT

Some of the dialog boxes in the CorelDraw 6 program suite replace the context help buttons with a non-functional Help button when run under Windows NT 3.51. Examples include: Edit|Paste Special; Edit|Insert New Object and Tools|Scripts|Run in CorelDraw 6. Corel is reportedly aware of the problem, but there is no workaround yet.

Designer & WMF Choke

There have been reports on Compuserve of a bug causing problems when exporting and re-importing Windows Metafiles (WMF) in Micrografx Designer 6. If you insert a text string using Arial 8.00 pt on a new drawing page; select the text; export to a placeable WMF and then re-import the WMF file. The font size of the text will have altered (to 7.30 or sometimes 7.31 points). It appears Designer can't read its own WMFs properly? Apparently, neither can Microsoft Word 95.

Envoy GPFs

If you are using Envoy 1.0a under Windows 95 and publishing to the Envoy Printer driver, some 32-bit applications, including Netscape 1.1 and Microsoft Paint, cause GPF’s in ENVOYDRV.DRV.

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