
The BugNet BugMaster Database

Windows 95 Free Sample List

Fall 1994 - Winter 1996

"The Global Authority on PC Bugs, Glitches,
Incompatibilities... and Their Fixes."

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Welcome to the cumulative BugNet Database, the broadest collection of bugs and fixes for popular off-the-shelf PC software available anywhere, in any form.

You'll find thousands of listings dealing with Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT applications, as well as listings for the Macintosh and OS/2.

We hope this information will help you avoid some of the software land mines out there. May you go with foreknowledge.

Bruce Brown

A Few Tips on Using the BugNet Database

To search the BugNet BugMaster Database, use the search function built into your world wide web browser or word processor. In Netscape, you access this via the Find command under the Edit menu, or with the keyboard shortcut, CTR-F. Mosaic's Find command is also located in the Edit menu.

In addition, you can navigate with the BugNet Database's internal hot links if you're using a web browser. These allow you to jump directly to help articles like this, as well as the parts of the BugNet list that deal with specific products (like Acrobat or WordPerfect) of specific companies (like Adobe or Novell).

Depending on the speed of your computer, you may find it useful to jump to the appropriate company section (e.g., Adobe or Novell) before initiating a search. Keep in mind, though, that not all the listings for a particular product are found under that company's heading.

Because, for instance, there may be mention of WordPerfect in an item in the Acrobat section, it is a good idea to run a search from the top of the document if you don't find what you want on the first pass.

What you search for is up to you. If you having a problem, you can search on a specific error message. If you are thinking about purchasing a product, and want to know if you're headed for trouble, search on the product in which you're interested.

Because of the way this database is constructed, you'll find it works best to search on company names when looking for a general category.

If you're looking for a particular application -- or a version of that application -- search on that. This means that a search on Adobe Acrobat (as an example) may turn up very little, but a search on Acrobat would turn up a great deal. Searches on Acrobat 2 or Acrobat 2.0 would also prove fruitful. When searching for error codes, it's best to search on the number alone, e.g., 303, not error 303.

The symbols at the beginning of each entry denote their status at the time of the entry. The symbol ?; denotes bugs, incompatibilities and other difficulties. The symbol !; denotes problems which have either been fixed, or resolved with some sort of minimally acceptable work-around.

Happy hunting!

BugNet Windows 95 List

7th Level
21st Century Entertainment
Acclaim Entertainment
America Online
Berkeley Systems
Blizzard Entertainment
Central Point
Cirrus Logic
Colorado Backup
Computer Associates
Digital Pictures
Electronic Arts
Epic Megagames
Expert Software
E-Z Raid
Fantasia Concepts
Fifth Generation
Fractal Design
Front Page
GTE / Argonaut
Harvard Graphics
Hewlett Packard
Hi Tech
ID Software
JP Software
Landmark Research
Laser Tools
Leading Edge
Learning Company
Lucas Arts
Master Tracks
Media Vision
Microsoft (General)
Microsoft Windows 95
Misc. Games
Moon Valley
Mustang Software
National Geographic
ON Technology
Paramount Interactive
PC Dynamics
Random House
Sierra Online
Simon & Schuster
Sirius Publishing
Software Sorcery
Software Excellence
Software Toolworks
Sound Blaster
Spatial Technology
Spectrum Holobyte
Software Publishing
Strategic Simulations
Synchronos Software
Texas Instruments
Time Warner
Traveling Software
Turner Interactive
U.S. Robotics
Virgin Games
Viva Computers
Westwood Studios


? Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time by 7th Level does not waste time so completely under Windows 95, do to weirdness with some of the "Pythonizer" components.

? Some of the Pythonizer components in Monty Python's Flying Circus Desktop Pythonizer by 7th Level may not operate properly.


! Pinball Arcade CD-ROM from 21st Century Entertainment requires MS-DOS Mode.

! Pinball Fantasies from 21st Century Entertainment requires MS-DOS Mode.


! Access Links 386 disk and CD require MS-DOS Mode.

! Access Links 386 disk and CD will show the screen shifted up on Compaq QVision displays.

! Access Software's Martian Memorandum will not quit using CTRL+Q. Instead, press ALT+SPACE and then click Close.

! Under a Killing Moon by Access Software requires MS-DOS Mode.

! If you find after installing Under A Killing Moon that you get an error message that says you have no mouse installed, you need to add the mouse driver to the AUTOEXEC.BAT that you use to boot when running the game.


! Mortal Kombat 2 from Acclaim Entertainment requires MS-DOS Mode.


! Brett Hull Hockey 95 from Accolade requires MS-DOS Mode.

? The screen may shift up on some Compaq QVision displays in Accolade Hardball 4.

? Mean 18 by Accolade does not run under Windows 95.

! Accolade's Speed Racer requires MS-DOS Mode.


! You may need to add
to CONFIG.SYS for Activision's Lost Treasures of Infocom to display properly.

! Activision PowerHits BattleTech 1.01 requires MS-DOS Mode. You need to manually configure the program properties in Windows 95 to run in MS-DOS Mode.

! Activision PowerHits Movies requires MS-DOS Mode. You must manually configure the program properties in Windows 95 to run in MS-DOS Mode and ensure that the working directory is set properly.

! Installation of Activision's Return to Zork 1.2 may cause blue-screen error messages under Windows 95; According to Microsoft, these errors can be safely ignored.


? When you run the Windows 95 Disk Defragmenter tool on drive C, you may receive the following error message:
Error Defragmenting Drive C:\
Windows cannot defragment this drive now because it has been locked by a disk utility. Quit any utilities that may have locked this drive, and then try defragmenting the drive again. Microsoft reports that "this error can occur under the following conditions:
1) Drive C is attached to an IDE controller.
2) There is an Adaptec AHA-1542C SCSI controller with another hard disk attached to it in your computer.
3) The ID for the SCSI hard disk is set to 0 (zero).
To correct this problem, set the ID of the SCSI hard disk to anything except 0."

! Your computer may freeze the first time it restarts after installing Windows 95 if you have an Adaptec AIC-6360 SCSI chip which is disabled in your computer's CMOS settings. The work-around:
1. Start Windows 95 in Safe mode.
2. Use the right mouse button to click My Computer, then click Properties on the menu that appears.
3. On the Device Manager tab, double-click the SCSI Controller branch.
4. Click the SCSI adapter, then click Properties.
5. Click the Original Configuration check box to clear it, then click OK.

! Windows 95 cannot detect or enumerate an Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller installed on a PCI bus on computers with an AMI ROM BIOS version 1.00.07.AF2. The work-around: upgrade the AMI ROM BIOS to version 1.00.09.AF2.

! If you boot from a SCSI drive and have an Adaptec 1542 SCSI controller, Windows 95 may not install the Windows 95 Protected Mode Adaptec SCSI driver, leaving the Real Mode driver intact. This slows performance to a crawl. According to Jason Levitt of Information Week, "You can force installation of the Windows 95 Protected Mode Adaptec SCSI driver by bypassing the Windows 95 hardware-detection phase and telling Windows 95 specifically to install the driver."


? In AddStor Double Tools 1.0, 1.36, the DBLSPACE.BIN from DoubleTools is incompatible with Windows 95. Installing this utility will cause loss of any DriveSpace compressed drives until the Microsoft DBLSPACE.BIN is copied back to the host drive to replace the Double Tools version. There is no update version of this program available at press time. Check Windows 95 Help for more information.

! AddStor's SuperStor 1.36 works under Windows 95, but there are a couple of pitfalls. See comments for AddStor SuperStor 2.0.

! Windows 95 will work correctly on AddStor's SuperStor 2.0 drive, but performance may be slow. Also, you should not compress a drive using SuperStor once Windows 95 is installed because Windows ScanDisk and Defrag will not run on the compressed drive. Windows 95 Help automatically provides information.


! If you get the error Unable to load icon DLL's for this screen

when launching PageMaker 6 when running under Windows 95, Adobe advises that you may need to reduce the number of TrueType fonts in your Fonts folder.

! When printing from PageMaker 5 or PageMaker 6 under Windows 95, Enhanced Metafile (.EMF) or Windows Metafile (.WMF) graphics may not print entirely, or may print smaller than expected. To correct this, according to Adobe, you need to "install a printer that supports a higher resolution from the Windows 95 CD-ROM..." or "reimport the graphic in a different format (e.g., EPS, TIF, BMP)."

! Two-up or four-up printing (such as one would use in a brochure) does not work from Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.01 with the standard PostScript printer driver installed by Windows 95. The work-around is to revert to AdobePS driver 3.01 or later.

! If you change the 3D Objects color in the Display Properties dialog under Appearances, the activated buttons on Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1's toolbar will get strange. Adobe advises leaving the color settings alone.

? When you print a file that includes a TIFF image from Adobe PageMaker 5.0 to a QMS 860 PostScript printer, you may get an error like:
Error: undefined
Offending Command: colorimage

The problem is that PageMaker defaults to Postscript level 2 output and the QMS 860 is a Postscript level 1 device. There is no work-around at present.

? If you are printing from PageMaker 5 to a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4 using Microsoft's Windows 95 drivers, you may find that you can print 99 copies of a document, but not 100.

! When opening documents created with PageMaker 5 running under Windows 3.1, you may get an error message like:
cannot load driver for HP Laserjet 4p/4pm on LPT1
even if you have the appropriate printer driver installed on your system. The problem is that Windows 95 uses different names for the drivers, and therefore is confused by old driver references. The work-around: load the document, re-compose for the printer in question, then save the document. You may have to do this the first time you open every old PageMaker document in Windows 95, but after that everything should be OK.

! You may find that you are unable to get more than 300 DPI when printing from PageMaker 5 to a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4. To get back to full 600 DPI output, you should first check your printer driver settings, because Microsoft's Windows 95 driver seems to default to 300 DPI. If the problem persists, you should download and install LJWIN3.ZIP from Hewlett Packard's Compuserve Forum. You're not out of the woods yet, though. You next must open the Printer Folder, click on the icon for your new driver, and, under the dropdown File Menu, select "Select as Default Printer." When you open PageMaker again, voila!, there you should see verification that you are set up for 600 DPI.

! When you are creating a Startup Disk during Windows 95 Setup, you may get error messages like:
Disk Initialization Error
Could not properly initialize the floppy disk that you inserted.
Error: Disk sector was not found.
if the floppy disk drive in your computer is connected to a Promise IDE controller. The work-around: don't create a Startup Disk during Setup. Instead, create a Startup Disk after Setup is finished. To do this:
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
3. Click the Startup Disk tab, and then the Create Disk button.

! Two-up or four-up printing (such as one would use in a brochure) does not work from Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.01 with the standard PostScript printer driver installed by Windows 95. The work-around is to revert to Adobe Postscript driver 3.01 or later.

! If you change the 3D Objects color in the Display Properties dialog under Appearances, the activated buttons on Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1's toolbar may get strange. Adobe advises leaving the color settings alone.

! If you upgrape to Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.0 on a system where Acrobat 1.0 was previously installed (but not completely removed), you may get an error message like:
Adobe Type Manager
Old Multiple Master fonts found. Please install new ones.

The work-around: edit your ATM.INI file to remove references to the old files. Remove all the lines (probably four) which start
But DON'T TOUCH the similar

! If after installing Adobe Acrobat you find that the Acrobat PDFWriter icon in the Printers folder is unavailable, you may need to add the following line to the [Ports] section of the file:
then save the WIN.INI file and close it, and restart Windows 95.

? If you use Adobe Type Manger 3.0 or 3.01 under Windows 95, you may experience slow printing in PCL mode.

! After you install Adobe Type Manager into the Windows\Fonts folder, you may receive an
Invalid Fonts Directory
error message when you start the ATM Control Panel (ATMCNTRL.EXE), and no fonts may be displayed. The work-around: create a new folder for the ATM fonts and then move the ATM fonts from the Windows\Fonts folder to the new folder. Edit the ATM.INI file in the Windows folder and change the path for the ATM fonts to reflect the new folder.

! Double-clicking the Fonts icon in Control Panel does not display Adobe Type Manager (ATM) PostScript Type 1 fonts that are installed on your system. You can manually add the fonts to the WIN.INI file, which will cause them to be displayed, but they still cannot be opened (or viewed). To view the installed ATM fonts, run the ATM Control Panel application(ATMCNTRL.EXE) included with Adobe Type Manager.

! If you try to print a document on a PostScript printer and you have more than 590 Adobe Type Manager (ATM) fonts installed, you may receive a GPF. The work-around: reduce the number of ATM fonts installed.

? All Adobe PostScript Type 1 fonts are "lost" (i.e. don't appear) when printing from Adobe PageMaker 5 to Delrina WinFax 3.

! If you lose your TrueType fonts in Adobe PageMaker5 after installing Windows 95 ("The fonts are still on the control pallet like they are there, but the screen fonts look like Courier and print like Courier," observed one sufferer. All's fine in Photoshop, CorelDraw, Access, and all of my other applications. Only PM5 is doing this."), the problem is probably that you don't have the correct printer selected under Page Setup in PageMaker's File menu.

! When you try to use the Open Template addition in PageMaker 5, you may get an error like
Auto Template Generator 1.0/Out of Memory: Script too long.
no matter what template you select and how much memory you have installed if you have a large number of fonts installed on your system (200 or more). The work-around: remove some fonts.

! Photoshop 3.0 will run under Windows 95, although there are a couple of problems with using the Open and Save As dialogue boxes (you can't open TIFFs from within PhotoShop, but have to drag-and-drop them or double-click on them in Explorer to get them open). The best solution: upgrade to PhotoShop 3.04.

! If you get GPFs when trying to open or save a .TIF graphic with PhotoShop 3.04, the problem may be caused by a Ray Dream Designer plug-in named RDTIF.8BI. Deleting this file, and restarting PhotoShop 3.04 has cured the problem for some users.

! If you lose access to third party plugins like Kai's Power Tools after installing PhotoShop 3.04, we're sorry to report that you probably should try reinstalling both PhotoShop and the plugins.

! If you installed PhotoShop 3.04 in a directory other than the default suggested by the setup program, and later you find that your scanner doesn't work, you might want to reinstall to the default directory, or C:\WIN32APP\PHOTOSHOP.

! Kai's Power Tools will not install correctly under Photoshop 3.0 in Windows 95 because (according to Adobe), Microsoft left out the mechanism needed in Windows 95 that allows 32 bit applications to call 16 bit plugins. PhotoShop 3.04 was released by Adobe in an attempt to workaround this (see the PSREADME.WRI file in the PhotoShop directory). A 32-bit version of KPT is in development and will be released soon.

! There is a problem with the "List of Files of Format Type" drop list field in PhotoShop 3.0 running under Windows 95. If you open it and try to select anything, Photoshop may crash. This may happen with the Open, Open As, and Place dialog boxes. According to Compuserve Adobe Forum sysop Jeffrey Karasik, the work-around is:
1. When the Open dialog displays, you will notice that the `File Name' field is highlighted. If you want to display TIFs, then type in *.tif and press Enter. You can then select the file you want in the left scroll box.
2. Open Photoshop and then minimize to the Task Bar. Then open Explorer and drag the TIF filename down to the Photoshop button on the Task Bar (don't drop it yet)... wait until Photoshop opens up and then drop in the main window. The nice thing about this method is that you can drag up to 30 files at one time and drop them into Photoshop. They will all open. Photoshop can only have 30 images open at once. This bypasses the OPEN dialog Altogether. Just keep Explorer open in the background and when you want to open another image, minimize Photoshop and drag some more into Photoshop. This is fixed in PhotoShop 3.04.

! If you change the file format in the Save, Save As, Save As Copy dialogs in PhotoShop 3.0, you will get garbage after the file extension. The work-around: erase the garbage characters before saving the file. This is fixed in PhotoShop 3.04.

? Adobe Photoshop 2.5 is incompatible with Windows 95, according to Microsoft.


! If you get an error like:
(TCP/IP) Lost Connection
while downloading files from America Online (the error usually occurs near the 50 percent point), you need to upgrade your America Online software to at least version 2.0a.


? Contrary to claims in its advertisements and mail solicitations, Aracada Backup for Windows 95 will not work with all IDE tape drives. Contact Aracada to see if your drive is covered.


? Artisoft's MORE 3.01 for Windows cannot run correctly under Windows 95 because the video drivers are incompatible.


! You may find you can't use the advanced power management (APM) features of your AST Ascentia 900N laptop computer with Windows 95. The work-around: configure Windows 95 to use APM version 1.0 instead of version 1.1:
1. Use the right mouse button to click My Computer, then click Properties on the menu that appears.
2. Click the Device Manager tab.
3. Click Advanced Power Management Support, then click Properties. Note that you may need to expand the System Devices branch of the hardware tree by double-clicking the branch, or by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of the branch, before you can click Advanced Power Management Support.
4. Click the Settings tab.
5. Click the Force APM 1.0 Mode check box to select it.

? The AST Plug and Play BIOS does not work properly with Windows 95, despite the name.


? We hope you like Asymetrix's Natural States Screen Saver because it cannot be minimized after maximizing.

? Pink Panther Screen Saver Entertainment by Asymetrix overwrites title bar controls. Now that's entertainment.

? System sounds for Pink Panther Screen Saver Entertainment by Asymetrix may not be listed in the Sounds Control Panel.

? Rocky and Bullwinkle Screen Saver by Asymetrix will overwrite title bar controls. Also, systems sounds are not listed in the Sounds Control Panel.


? Attachmate Tech Support has confirmed that you will not be able to have the CrossFax fax scheduler loaded and also access 32 bit communications in Windows 95 (e.g. dial MS Network or register Win95 online). This is due to an incompatibility with TAPI compliant (32bit) and MAPI compliant (16bit) applications. The fax scheduler can be disabled by removing it from the "Startup" group.


? Atech Software's Publishers PowerPak 2.1 does not work under Windows 95.


! If you use an ATI Mach 8, Mach 32, or Mach 64 video card and Windows 95 is installed with the default 640 x 480 video resolution, you may find after you change the video resolution using the Change Display Type dialog box that Windows 95 still starts up with 640 x 480 resolution. The work-around: to use 800 x 600 or higher-resolution video mode with the ATI Mach 8, Mach 32, or Mach 64 video card, you must first configure the ATI card for the correct monitor type. This is done using the INSTALL.EXE program found on the disks provided with the ATI video adapters.

? If you use an ATI Mach 64 ISA display adapter in a Dell DE computer in which the onboard VGA adapter has been disabled through the CMOS rather than by using the jumper, your computer may freeze during Windows 95 Setup, or during detection if the ATI adapter is installed after Windows 95 is installed.

! With some ATI Mach 64 video cards, when you change the display resolution in the Display Properties dialog box so that it is greater than 640 X 480 pixels and you select the 16 color option, the screen will become unreadable. The work-around: select the 256 color option for any resolution above 640 X 480 pixels.

! After you run the ATI Mach32 setup utility (INSTALL.EXE), you may be unable to start the computer except in Safe Mode due to conflicts between ATI's Windows 3.1 drivers and Windows 95. The work-around: upgrade your drivers from ATI.

! If you are using an ATI VGA Wonder XL24 display adapter and select the High Color (16-bit) or True Color (24-bit) color palette in the Display Properties dialog box, the system may start with garbled display. The work-around: restart your computer in safe mode, and then change the display mode to a lesser color depth, either 16 or 256 colors. To restart the computer in safe mode, do the following:
1. Click the Start button, click Shut down, and then click Restart The Computer.
2. When you see the message "Starting Windows 95," press the F8 key, and then select Safe Mode from the menu that appears.


? If you try to run ScanDisk in Windows 95 on an AT&T computer, you may receive the following error message:
ScanDisk cannot check the drive as it is not properly formatted or a utility has locked it, format the hard disk or wait for the utility to finish and re-run ScanDisk.
This problem can occur if you are running BGMAIL.EXE (a tool that is installed on AT&T computers to provide access to AT&T's proprietary mail services). The work-around: edit the WINSTART.BAT or the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and place a semicolon at the beginning of the Bgmail.exe line to temporarily remark it out. Save and close the file and then restart Windows 95 and run ScanDisk.

? ScanDisk conflicts with the TSR installed by AT&T Mail 2.5 or earlier, preventing it from repairing disk problems. Microsoft suggest contacting AT&T for information about an upgraded version.


? English users reports that AutoCAD release 12, which ran successfully under the preview version of Windows 95 (in MSDOS mode), will not run at all under the release version, but gives a
Pharlap extender error
indicating a memory manager conflict.


? Berkeley Systems After Dark 1.0 for DOS will not run correctly under Windows 95. It will not activate after the set amount of time or by using the hotkey. Also once it is installed, all other file operations will slow down. The Windows version of this program runs fine; contact the manufacturer.

? Running Berkeley Systems After Dark 2.0 with Windows 95, you may see some weirdness. To wit: when you install the After Dark screen saver, an After Dark button may be created on the taskbar; however, clicking this button with the left mouse button does not open the After Dark control panel. Also, a blank button may appear on the taskbar when the After Dark screen saver is active. Or a button labeled "Password" appears on the taskbar when the Password dialog box appears. According to Berkeley Systems Technical Support, After Dark version 2.0 for Windows and its add-on components based on the After Dark 2.0 engine are not fully compatible with Windows 95. The work-around: if you click the After Dark button using the right (secondary mouse button, the Control menu appears. The After Dark control panel is one of the selections. You can also click the After Dark icon on the desktop, rather than the button on the taskbar, to open the After Dark control panel.

? In Berkeley Systems After Dark 3.0 for Windows, you may get errors when running Bad Dog if Windows 95 is an upgrade from Windows 3.x.

! If you find that Berkeley System's popular After Dark screen saver interrupts your game sessions even when it is turned off go into the Advanced settings for the screen saver and disable "allow screen saver in DOS sessions."

! According to Microsoft, the error you get during Berkeley Systems Looney Tunes Animated Screen Saver can be safely ignored, and the program will still work fine.

? On some computers, Berkeley Systems' Simpson's Screen Saver refuses to mute its sound on four modules.

? For some configurations, the taskbar loses its Always On Top property in Berkeley System's Simpson's Screen Saver.

! To use the After Dark control panel on Berkeley Systems' Star Trek: The Screen Saver when it is minimized, right-click the icon in the taskbar and then select Control Panel from the popup menu.


! To run Bitstream's FaceLift 2.0 for Windows you need PNPDRVR.DRV in the Windows SYSTEM directory, with
in SYSTEM.INI. The FaceLift version for WordPerfect does not have the same requirement.


? In Warcraft - Orcs & Humans by Blizzard Entertainment, GPFs can occur when running in Single Application Mode. This program fails on Aztech Nova 16, SoundBlaster 2.0 and PAS 16 SoundBlaster-emulation when running under Windows 95.


! You will may have problems with the CD-ROM version of 3D Home Architect by Broderbund if you are on a network printer. The workaround: make sure a printer port is mapped to the network path instead of a UNC name. Redrawing captions may also present difficulties under Windows 95.

! In Broderbund Kid Pix 2 for Windows, GPFs may occur when using print setup with UNC-named printers. You can avoid them by capturing the printer port. Check the Windows 95 Help file for instructions.

? The Close button on Broderbund's Myst 1.0 is displayed incorrectly. Bad news. It locks the CD drive even after exiting the game. Myst 1.0, 1.02 and 1.03 all work fine.

? MIDI sound is not audible with most sound cards in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 1.00 (Windows CD) from Broderbund.


! Patrick Kennedy (Borland) has confirmed that dBase 5 for Windows refuses to open DBF files if you use a dBase III Plus file (w/memo) in dBase IV or dBase 5 for DOS. The workaround: in dBase IV copy to a new file, thereby making it a dBase IV file type. If compatibility needs to be maintained across III, IV and 5, use COPY TO newfile TYPE dbmemo3

! When running dBase 5.0 under Windows 95, right-clicking in Browse on the Right-Edge of the screen can cause a flickering property window or hangup. This is fixed in the latest release of Visual dBase.

! When running dBase 5.0 under Windows 95, It is not possible to run a program located in a directory with a long file name. This is fixed in the latest release of Visual dBase.

! When running dBase 5.0 under Windows 95, Minimizing or Maximizing a form can kill the events. This is fixed in the latest release of Visual dBase.

? Borland has confirmed there is an incompatibility between Visual dBase 5.5, Lantastic 6.0 and Windows 95 which causes Page Fault Errors when trying to access files on a Network Drive. There is currently no fix available, but Borland and Artisoft are collaborating to solve the problem.

! Borland dBase Debugger for Windows 5.0 may cause a GPF in module DBWDEBUG.EXE when you load a program. Visual dBase 5.5 does not have this problem.

? Borland has confirmed a problem with Paradox 5 under Windows 95. When selecting a portion of data the screen does not show the highlight properly. The copy and/or cut commands work, but it can be confusing not to be able to see the highlighted selection.

? Loss of Paradox for Windows 5.0 background images can occur when you upgrade to Windows 95. Brian Bushay (Team Borland) confirms that this is a known problem, caused by last minute changes Microsoft made to Windows, and is not helped by reinstalling Paradox (sorry).

! If you get a message
Cannot find the NETWARE.DLL that paradox.exe needs to run
when launching Paradox under Windows 95, Brian Bushay (Team Borland) suggests checking that no other versions of the file NWCALLS.DLL exist, except for the version which ships with Paradox (dated 1/2/93), which should be in the \Windows\System directory, and which does not require the NETWARE.DLL.

! You may encounter problems printing reports using OPAL code with Paradox for Windows 5.0 under Windows 95. All reports print in Portrait orientation even though the code is written to print the report in Landscape. The workround is to use the OPAL code:"your.rsl",WinStyleDefault+WinStyleHidden)

? When using Paradox for Windows under Windows 95, if you use cut and paste to copy information from the Help file a Borland copyright notice will be pasted along with your information. The only workround is to delete this text.

! Microsoft Profit 1.0b must have the network path mapped to a printer port if you are using a network printer.

! In Novell's Quattro Pro 6.0 for Windows, if a file icon is dragged to a printer icon, the file loads, but is not printed. To correct this, change the value in the Registry of
{FileOpen "%1"}{Print ?}{FileClose 0}

? Barry Schnur, the sysop of the Novell Quattro Pro forum, reports that he and other sysops from Novell have been having problems importing Quattro Pro WB1 files into Excel 95, even though this format is supported by Excel 95. Frequent GPFs are said to result, even from fairly simple spreadsheets.

? While running under Windows 95, Quattro Pro 6.0 spreadsheets with cells displayed as currency may display as "$,Quattroxx.xx" where xx.xx is the correct value. To fix this, first, restart Quattro Pro. Then use Property, Application, International, Currency and edit the format or chose Windows default. This should resolve the problem.

? Quattro Pro 6.02 dialog boxes seem to grow when running under Windows 95. Novell Technical Support has verified that the boxes get 2 pixels higher and wider each time they are executed, as well as shifting one pixel up and left. If you add the following link to the dialog boxes
"ON Init SET xxx,yyy,www,hhhh TO MyDialog Dimensions"
they should stay the same size.


? Anglo-Saxons from Cambrix is a Windows 2.x program and is not supported under Windows 95.


? Using the Chameleon 4.0 utilities in Windows 95 may cause GPFs because Chameleon 4.0 is incompatible with the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol. The work-around: either remove the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol from the list of installed network components and use the NetManage TCP/IP stack. or to use Chameleon 4.0 with Windows 95 and keep the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol installed on the system install the NetManage TCP/IP protocol included with Chameleon and unbind the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol from all installed network clients and services. To unbind the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol, Microsoft advises:
1. Click the Start button on the taskbar.
2. On the Settings menu, click Control Panel, then double-click the Networks icon.
3. In the Network components list, double-click Microsoft TCP/IP or click Properties.
4. Click the Bindings tab.
5. Make sure all check boxes are cleared (not selected), then click OK.


! When printing to a Canon LBP-81V printer, the first few pages print correctly, but the remaining pages are blank. This problem can occur if the Canon LBP-81V printer is attached to the computer with a parallel cable more than 4 feet long. The blank pages occur because the Canon LBP-81V printer defaults to a 30-second time-out. Since this setting cannot be changed, the work-around is to use a parallel cable that is no more than four feet long.

? Although the Canon LBP-8IV printer supports printing 600 dpi when printing under Windows 3.1, the Windows 95 printer driver for this printer supports only 75, 150, or 300 dpi.

? When you click the Suspend command on the Start menu on a Canon NoteJet II 486C computer, the computer will not suspend, and when you use the computer's suspend button to suspend the computer, the computer suspends, but it will not resume. The work-around: don't suspend.


! Central Point Anti-Virus for Windows 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1 were designed to work with Windows 3.1, so some of their features may not work correctly under Windows 95. Windows 95 Help automatically provides a warning. Contact the manufacturer for an updated version

! Because Windows 95 Setup requires that VSAFE.COM be removed before upgrading from Windows 3.1, some features of Central Point Anti-Virus for DOS 1.4 and 2.1 do not work correctly under Windows 95. Contact the manufacturer for an updated version.

! If Windows 95 freezes at the Windows 95 logo screen the first time you start it after upgrading, the problem may be that you have Microsoft Anti-Virus, Norton Anti-Virus or Central Point Anti-Virus loading automatically from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The work-around: pressing the ESC key closes the Windows 95 logo screen and allows you to access the anti-virus application. Choose the option that allows the application to update any affected files. This prevents the pause from occurring when you start Windows 95 in the future.


? If you have an older Cirrus Logic video card with a 5402 chip set (which is no longer manufactured or supported by Cirrus Logic), you can only use the Windows 95 standard VGA driver at less than 256 colors.

! If you get the error:

SUWIN caused a GPF in 256_1280.drv at 0002:0D7B.

when you upgrade from Windows version 3.1, the problem is probably that you have a Cirrus Logic Video Card driver installed on the computer which is incompatible with the Windows 95 Setup program. The work-around: restart the computer and run the Windows 95 Setup program from MS-DOS.

? If you have a VLB video adapter using the Cirrus Logic 5426, 5428, or 5434 video chip on a Pentium-based computer that has both VLB sockets and PCI sockets on the motherboard, you may find that the Windows 95 startup logo is distorted, and the interface appears in black and white during startup and while running Windows 95. The only work-around is to replace the VLB video adapter with a PCI adapter using the same chips, or a video adapter using a different video chip, such as the S3 or one manufactured by Tseng Labs.


? The Clix mouse is not fully functional in Windows 95. Use the standard mouse type to use the Clix mouse in two-button mode.

! You must run Cambrix Small Blue Planet - The Cities Below in 256-color mode to avoid GPFs that occur in 16-color mode.


? Heart: 20 Years of Rock & Roll by Compton's New Media will show the wrong script font unless you have upgraded to Windows 95 from Windows 3.1.

? Heart: 20 Years of Rock & Roll by Compton's New Media has problems with Windows 95's sound scheme (not the best news for a music program), according to Microsoft.


? In Corbis Publishing's A Passion for Art, GPFs may occur when ejecting the CD and then exiting the program.

? In addition to some minor taskbar irregularities, Corbis's A Passion for Art has palette errors when the Network dialog box is displayed.

Crystal Dynamics

? Horde by Crystal Dynamics requires MS-DOS Mode.

? Horde by Crystal Dynamics may not run on Aztech Nova 16 or Aztech WA 16.


? Colorado Backup 2.02, 2.5, 2.54, and 4.03 were designed to work with the MS-DOS file system and they do not recognize the long file names used by Windows 95. Contact the manufacturer for an update.

! Colorado Memory Systems (CMS) has released a free upgrade to the Windows 95 Backup applet, which addresses some of the known problems and includes a scheduler, support for SCSI tape streamers and Colorado controller boards, as well as extra tape tool features such as security erase, unerase and rename. The file, CBW95.EXE, is available from CompuServe (PCVENF, Library 11). If you make backups to floppy disks, however, be warned that CMS has removed support for this backup medium.


? If you install Windows 95 on a Compaq Concerto computer while it is docked, you may receive an
101-ROM Error
message when the computer restarts in the docking station. Contact Compaq for an updated BIOS which fixes the problem.

? The Compaq Contura Laptop computer and other Compaq computers using APM may tell you that battery status is high when in fact the battery is almost empty. The work-around: contact Compaq Corporation for information regarding an upgrade to the latest version of the APM BIOS.

! Physician heal thyself! If you install Windows 95 on a Compaq Deskpro that has a D:\ drive attached to a controller in an EISA slot, the first time you start the machine, the D:\ drive may be inaccessible. Fear not, however. The second time you start the computer and thereafter, the D:\ drive will work fine.

! When you are using the Media Pilot CD Sound System software installed on a Compaq Presario computer with Windows 95, audio CDs are incorrectly identified as data CDs. The work-around: to play an audio CD using the Media Pilot CD Sound System software in Windows 95, manually advance to the track you want, then click the Play button.

! If you try to "wake up" your Compaq Presario 522, 524, 526 or 528 computer after Advanced Power Management (APM) has shut down the screen, the screen may remain in sleep mode. To re-activate the screen you must turn the computer off and back on. This apparently only occurs on units with the Cirrus Logic 54xxx video chip set. The work-around: do not enable APM in the computer's CMOS settings.

? With a Compaq Presario CDS633, if you select the High Color (16-bit) or True Color (24-bit) color palette in the properties for the display, the system may exit back to Standard VGA and prompt you to choose another display setting. The 16-bit and 24-bit color palettes may still be shown as available but you cannot actually use them. The work-around: Choose the 16 Color or 256 Color color palette. Also, you may want to contact Compaq for information about a possible video BIOS upgrade.

! When you are using Windows 95 on a Compaq Summit 60 that supports Advanced Power Management (APM), you may find that nothing happens when you click the Suspend command on the Start menu. To disable the Suspend command on the Start menu:
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Power icon.
3. In the Show Suspend Command On Start Menu box, click the Never option button.


! Installing the networking component of Windows 95 will overwrite a crucial file and disable CompuServe NetLauncher 1.0, resulting in a
Fatal Dialing Error
when you attempt to run NetLauncher from the CompuServe Internet Dialer program or WinCim. This file is WINSOCK.DLL, which is in the \WINDOWS subdirectory. If you have not yet loaded Windows 95, copy the WINSOCK.DLL file to your \CSERVE\WINCIM, \CSERVE\MOSAIC, and \CSERVE\CID directories. If you do this, then this version of Winsock will be loaded instead of the Windows 95 version. If you have already installed Windows 95, it should have renamed the pre-existing Winsock as \WINDOWS\WINSOCK.OLD. You will have to copy this file to the above directories, and then rename it WINSOCK.DLL. For more information, GO NETLAUNCHER on CompuServe.

? CompuServe Navigator for Windows 1.1 will run under Windows 95, with one exception. The sessions window will not longer automatically scroll down as results come in. You will have to manually scroll with the scroll bar.

? E-Mail Connection 2.03 has trouble accessing CompuServe and MAPI services under Windows 95. Contact the manufacturer (that's ConnectSoft now; no longer Adonis) to obtain a Windows 95-compatible version.

! WinCIM 1.4 has a conflict with Windows 95 which will cause article windows not to print. Other objects (such as email or forum messages) print correctly. According to CIS WinCIM Technical Support Staff, to correct the problem you need to edit your WIN.INI file and add the following line to the [Compatibility] section

? If you have a FAX server (32 bit) waiting for an incoming call, and then WinCIM 1.4 (16 bit) is opened, you may get an error informing you that the port is already in use. The FAX server MUST be turned off in order for WinCim 1.4 to get control.


! During the installation of Computer Associates CA-dBFast 1.7c and 2.0, the installation program pauses while attempting to create the program group and displays the message:
Installation program cannot communicate with Program Manager.

Clicking OK results in an "installation successful" dialog box. CA-dBFast works fine, but the program group folder is not created. The work-around: run CA-dBFast from My Computer or Windows Explorer, or create a shortcut icon for CA-dBFast.


? Windows 95 may not recognize Sound It Out Loud 2 from Conexus If your computer uses a TEAC 55a CD drive.


? Conner Backup Exec 2.1 was designed to work with the MS-DOS file system and does not recognize Windows 95 long filenames. Contact the manufacturer for an updated version.


! Users report some problems with CorelDraw 6's new anti-aliasing capability (which is useful for world wide web graphics). In some cases, anti-aliasing is not performed even though the box is checked. The work-around: Forget Draw's anti-aliasing. Export to 4X (or more) higher resolution, then resample in Paint with anti-aliasing method selected.

! Printing rotated bitmaps from CorelDraw 6 may lock up Postscript printers such as the Hewlett Packard 4M and Hewlett Packard 1200C/PS. The work-around: Resize or rotate the bitmap in Paint before importing.

! Importing some Targa images in CorelDraw 6 will freeze the program. The work-around: Open .TGA files in Photoshop, save in different format to avoid this bug.

? CorelDraw 6's Dream3D won't work under Windows NT, according to Jose Camara. The feature is still broken in version 6.169.

? Converting between artistic and paragraph text can change font sizes and placement in CorelDraw 6, forcing you to manually adjust text after conversion.

! The wrap paragraph text attribute in CorelDraw 6 can generate IPFs. Here's how: Enter some paragraph text. Draw a square, convert to curves. Right click on it to select Properties / General / Wrap paragraph text. Now use node-editing to 'open' one node. Instant IPF… The work-around: Do not "open" curves that have "wrap paragraph text" on.

! The problem with Opening Layer Manager in CorelDraw 6 producing instant IPFs has been fixed in version 6.169.

! The problem with CorelDraw 6 corrupting files when saving in CorelDraw 5 format has been fixed in version 6.169.

! The problem with Filter Previews in CorelPaint 6 which caused garbage in top two lines has been fixed in version 6.169.

! CorelPaint 6's problem with Mini-icons in Object rollup (ctrl-F7) not being visible has been fixed in version 6.169.

! The problem with slanted guidelines being unmovable by dragging in CorelDraw 6 has been fixed in version 6.169.

! The problem in CorelDraw 6 of page sizes accepting only two digit decimals (you couldn't enter .125 in., for instance) has been fixed in 6.169.

! The problem of no LZW compression with the TIF export filter in CorelPaint 6 has been fixed in version 6.169.

! CorelPaint 6's inability to work with 16-color images has been fixed in version 6.169.

! In CorelDraw 6, the Wrap paragraph text attribute can cause IPFs. Corel "fixed" this problem in version 6.169 by eliminating the feature. Now open curves won't show the option.

! CorelDraw 6's problem with the disappearing Fit text to path rollup has been fixed in version 6.169.

! In early versions of CorelDraw 6, the contour effect doesn't work except in very simple text. This is fixed in version 6.169.

! The JPEG import filter can lose the bottom line in CorelPaint 6 and CorelDraw 6. This problem is fixed in version 6.169.

! Early versions of CorelDraw 6 couldn't export WMF images with long file names. This is fixed in version 6.169.

? The fish eye lens does not work on bitmaps in CorelDraw 6. Corel says this is by design.

! In CorelPaint 6, the color replacer can cause crashes with illegal operation: divide by zero

errors. This is fixed in version 6.169.

! CorelDraw 6's problem with bullets in paragraph text causing IPFs when saving has been fixed in version 6.169.

! The bug in CorelDraw 6 that caused toolbar customization in Multimedia Manager to give IPFs has been fixed in version 6.169.

! Lines thinner than 0.5 mm used to export to WMF as 0.0 mm in CorelDraw 6. This has been fixed in version 6.169.

! In early versions of CorelDraw 6, Powerclips not on page 1 could not be edited. This has been fixed in version 6.169.

! In CorelTrace 6, it is possible to save in OS/2 BMP format, beginning with version 6.169.

! CorelPaint 6's JPEG import filter no longer disregards DPI information.

! In early versions of CorelDraw 6, lines measured in inches even if units were set to mm. This bug has been fixed in version 6.169.

! In CorelDraw 6, objects not on page 1 sometimes won't scale when printed. This is fixed in version 6.169.

! CorelPaint 6's problem with the Lens Flare effect causing IPFs when selecting the 35mm option has been fixed in version 6.169.

! CorelPaint 5's problem saving all Windows bitmaps opened as OS/2 bitmaps is fixed in version 6.169.

! In CorelDraw 6 version 6.129, double clicking on a guideline selects it for editing, as it should.

! The keyboard shortcut, Control-Z, doesn't work after using rotation rollup in early versions of CorelDraw 6. The problem is fixed with version 6.169.

! With CorelDraw 6 version 6.129, Capture 6 will save files in .BMP formats correctly.

! With CorelDraw 6 version 6.129, OCR-Trace will save files under Windows NT.

! CorelDraw 6 version 6.129 fixes problems with help buttons in many dialog boxes when running under Windows NT.

CorelDraw 6 version 6.129 partly fixes problems with Paint 6's Color Replacer incorrectly replacing colors. According to Jose Camara, "replacing black with yellow gives 98% yellow."

! CorelDraw 6's previously reported problems with crashes when users employ two fonts in the same word have been fixed with version 6.118.

! CorelDraw 6 version 6.129 now allows full screen preview if you are coming from wireframe mode.

! The bug in CorelDraw 6 which caused tick marks on rulers to be stuck at 10 per inch is fixed in version 6.129.

? Corel gurus like David Satz on Compuserve report that when running CorelDraw 4, they are unable to save files with color bitmap headers. The work-around is to save files with a monchrome bitmap header or no bitmap header at all.

? According to Corel, the Equalize filter does not work with CorelDraw 5 D1, E2 and F2.

! Several TSRs (including the WinCIM spell checker) have been shown to conflict with CorelDraw 6's Layer Manager roll up and cause immediae GPFs. Simply disabling them makes the problem go away, according to the legendary Jose Camara. Check your WIN.INI for
entries, and disable these utilities.

! Saving from CorelDraw 6 in version CorelDraw 5 format can generate a corrupt file the SECOND TIME you save it. The work-around: After opening the file saved by CD6 in CD5, bring up the styles roll-up and load a new *.CDT style sheet. Saving the file in CD5 format won't corrupt it now. But what if you've already screwed up the file? José Camara has a solution for that too: "If you didn't see this before and already have work lost in an unreadable file, use a binary editor like XTree or Norton DE, look for the string `stlt' and replace it with four binary zeroes. After opening, replace the style sheet."

? Corel PhotoPaint 6 won't open Pro-Photo CDs (6144 x 4096 size).

? Paragraph text from CorelDraw 5 files, when opened in CorelDraw 6, changes aspect, and sometimes the last line scrolls off. The work-around: use CorelDraw 5.

? In Corel PhotoPaint 6, if you open new image (360 x 504, 24 bit), apply a 3D rotation of -70H -43V, with Best Fit selected, and then click on preview, you may get the error:

PICOR60: error in filter op. The work-around: as with the 45 degree line bug in
CorelDraw 5, the trick here is to use a slightly different angle ("Only a few combinations give the problem," notes José Camara), or simply don't use preview.

? If you create a RGB image in Corel PhotoPaint 6, fill it with blue, and then go Effects / Color Adjust / Equalize, you will get a bad preview with garbage in the top two lines. Worse yet, the equalize histogram is calculated on the garbage portion, too. There is no work-around at present.

! Effects/Color Adjust/Equalize doesn't work for separate color channels in Corel PhotoPaint 6. If you open a RGB image, use Effects/Color Adjust/Equalize, select "red" instead of all channels, and then Preview the image you may see that the changes affect all channels, not just red. The work-around suggested by José Camara: separate to R,G,B. Apply filters individually, merge back to RGB.

? Some TIF Preview types in EPS images exported from CorelDraw 6 can't be viewed in other applications. The work-around: use black-and-white or 8-bit greyscale preview in EPS exports.

! Similarly, WMF Preview in EPS images exported from CorelDraw 6 can't be viewed in other applications like PageMaker 5. All you'll see is a box; no visible preview, except in some Corel 6 applications. The work-around, courtesy of José Camara: "The EPS export filter evidently uses whatever setting is current for the WMF export filter when it makes the WMF preview; before doing WMF/EPS exports, export a file, any file, as WMF and clear the Placeable header checkbox in the export dialog box. Quit Draw to make sure the change is written to the INI file. When you start Draw again and export EPS with WMF preview, the Placeable header will no longer be included in the WMF, meaning it'll work in PageMaker et al."

? Slanted guidelines may not be recognized in the CorelDraw 6 Guidelines dialog box, making it impossible to delete them.

! In CorelDraw 6, if you set drawing scale to 1:200, fountain fill steps will be shown multiplied by 200, so a 16 step fountain fill will be listed as 3200 step fountain fill. Autobackup time and other unrelated numeric boxes also display incorrect values, but fortunately this bug seems to only affect the numeric display, only causing panic, not actual damage.

! There is no LZW compression in TIF export filter in Corel PhotoPaint 6, despite a filter label to the contrary. The work-around (courtesy of Corel): find COREL60 \ CONFIG \ CORELFLT.INI, locate the [TIFF] section, modify the entry
Compressions2=-113, Packbits
Compressions2=-1, Packbits
Do the same for the entry under [CPT]. Next time you start Paint both packbits and LZW options will be available for TIF and .CPT files, and work correctly.

? The optimized for "smaller file size" feature does not work in CorelDraw 6. If you go Tools / Options / Advanced / Saving and Opening optimized for "smaller file size," the files generated may be the same size as when the option is not selected. The work-around: turning off "save presentation exchange data" helps make files a bit smaller.

? It is impossible to work with 16-color images in some circumstances in Corel PhotoPaint 6. If you open a 16-color bitmap that has a custom palette, not the "system" palette, save it with a new name, close and open again, Paint forces a conversion to "system" palette, and error diffusion dithering. The work-around: use 256-color palettes, or Photoshop or some other program to generate 16-color images.

? Converting between artistic and paragraph text in CorelDraw 6 can change font sizes and placement. The work-around: after conversion, adjust font size and placement manually. Another option is the old cut-and-paste to convert between artistic and paragraph text.

! CorelDraw 6's Wrap Paragraph Text attribute can generate GPFs if you draw an open curve with a bezier node (like a spiral) overlapping a text block, and you then right click on the spiral, and choose Properties / General / Wrap paragraph text. Click OK to accept... and you'll likely get an Invalid Page Fault. The work-around: close the curve before applying Wrap Paragraph Text.

! The Bitmap Color Mask tolerance feature does not work correctly in CorelDraw 6. If you enter 100% as the tolerance, pick any color of a bitmap, apply it, and you should find all of the bitmap masked, but in fact only a portion of the image may be masked with this setting. Accoring to José Camara, "With some tests it is shown that the tolerance entered is being treated as RGB255 values, 100 selects + or - 100 units of the 0..255 range. In Paint and other locations it works as percentage (although 0..255 units gives better control and should be an option)." The work-around: enter values knowing they specify 0..255, not 0..100.

! If you find that text in CorelDraw 6 looks "thorny" (no we didn't say "horny") when you zoom in a great deal, try setting

! Corel PhotoPaint 6 reports incorrect DPI information for scans. For instance, if you make a scan at 200 DPI, Image / Info may report an incorrect value, not 200 DPI. In Trace, the same problem causes error messages asking for a scan over 200 dpi for OCR. The work-around: use Image / Resample to change the DPI figure manually before saving in Paint.

! In CorelDraw 6, the Fit Text to Path rollup may disappear from screen. If you CTR-F to bring up Fit Text to Path rollup, click on the "tack" mini icon once, enabling AutoClose, then roll it up and down once, CTR-F will only bring the rollup onto the screen for a split second. To recover, delete CDRROL.CFG in your COREL60\DRAW directory so that it will be recreated the next time Draw starts. The work-around: do not use AutoClose in the Fit Text to Path rollup.

? In CorelDraw 6, the contour effect doesn't work except in very simple text (it will work with Avant Garde, but not with fonts with more nodes, like Bangkok). The work-around: use CorelDraw 5.

! In CorelDraw 6 (unlike previous versions of CorelDraw), the Text rollup accepts only whole integer font sizes. Although the numeric box will accept and display a font size of 7.5, text info in the status bar will show 7.000. The work-around: use Text / Character to enter any fractional font size.

? In CorelDraw 6, the JPEG import filter loses the bottom line of graphics, which appears black.

? In CorelDraw 6, if you send one file to your printer and then switch to a second one (multitasking enabled), the Status Bar may disappear forever when the print job is completed. The work-around: restart CorelCraw to bring Status Bar back.

? In CorelDraw 6, fountain fills set for 256 levels of gray may export to TIF with only 101 levels of gray.

! Some data-heavy files (including those from Corel's own sampler CD such as 2MOROCCO.CDR) will print to a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4 from CorelDraw 5, but not CorelDraw 6, which generates a
21 Printer Overrun
error. This problem can occur on all PCL printers. The work-around: turn on Page Protection (in Printer Properties from the printers folder, not inside CorelDraw). However, this may cause a
20 Memory Overflow
error. And the work-around for this problem: you guessed it! Turn off Page Protection. The real solution is to add a bunch more RAM to your printer.

! WMF exports from CorelDraw 6 cannot use long file names (the file may never be created if you use a long file name). The work-around: use old DOS-style names when exporting, and then rename later if necessary.

? CorelDraw 6's fish eye lenses do not work on bitmaps.

! In Corel PhotoPaint 6, if you open a 24-bit color image, click Effects / Color Adjust / Color Replacer, then choose white as original color and any gray for the second one, you may get a
Divide by Zero
error in PICOR. The work-around: don't chose pure grays on both boxes.

? CorelDraw 6 will only export lines thicker than about .8mm properly into WMFs. If the line is thinner than that, it gets exported with no thickness at all. Corel Tech Support in Ireland has confirmed this and says a bug fix release will be available soon.

? Bullets in paragraph text can cause IPFs when saving in CorelDraw 6. This happens only if Tools / Options / Advanced / `enable multitasking' is on. Turning it off "fixes" it, but may cause other problems, according to José Camara.

? Some fountain fills in Corel PhotoPaint 6 may be incorrect. According to José Camara, you may reproduce the problem by creating a new 256 x 32 24-bit color image, and filling it with a fountain fill that is linear, horizontal, black (rgb 0,0,0) to white (rgb 255,255,255). In many places the color value in the resulting fill is not correct (i.e., different than the x coordinate). Position 0 is color 0, 255 is 255, but 148, for instance, has color 149,149,149. The work-around: in most cases the fill is acceptable, otherwise use Photoshop, Photostyler or even Corel PhotoPaint 4 (Corel PhotoPaint 5 reportedly suffers from the same problem).

? Toolbar customization in CorelDraw 6's Multimedia Manager may cause IPFs if you open Multimedia Manager, select Tools / Customize / Toolbars, then try to drag one button to add to the current toolbar. Reportedly, an IPF occurs immediately, before you even release the mouse button.

? You may find that you can't edit CorelDraw 6 Powerclips if they are not on page 1 of your document.

? In CorelDraw 6 paragraph text, if you select Tools / Options / Advanced and enable multitasking, you may get IPFs when you try to save the file. The work-around: leave multitasking off.

? In CorelDraw 6, you may get an
Condition #5002-TRAVTREE-0214
error when changing from two-page to single-page view in a document with paragraph text, but it doesn't seem to affect the drawing.

? In CorelTrace 6, you may find you can't save in OS/2 BMP format. Instead you receive a

Couldn't save image, make sure there is enough free disk space

error message. The work-around: open in Corel PhotoPaint 6 and save as OS/2 BMP from there.

? In CorelDraw 6 when you use CorelMove, you may find you can't edit an "actor" previously created with CorelDraw 5.

! When you try to print a document in CorelDraw 4, you may get a GPFin CDRGRFX40. In CorelDraw 5, the GPF may be in CDRGRFX50. The problem is that the path to the printer contains more than 19 characters. The work-around: shorten your path.

? CorelDraw 4 may drop rotated ATM fonts when exporting a graphic to a bitmap format such as *.BMP, *.PCX, and *.TIF

! In CorelDraw 4, when printing to the Canon BJC600E printer, you may get GPFs unless you use the Windows 95 drivers.

? Corel Ventura 4.2 will work under Windows 95, but the program starts slowly while reading in the system fonts and occasionally draws lines incorrectly while scrolling.

? According to Microsoft, CorelDraw 3 may not run if installed on a hard disk of greater than 1 GB (and these days, what hard drive isn't?).

! When using a network printer with version of CorelDraw 5 and prior, you must make sure the network path is associated with a printer port.

? Corel PhotoPaint 6 reportedly has trouble maintaining the dpi of images either imported or exported in JPEG format. There is no work-around known at present.

? If you save an image in Corel PhotoPaint 6 in JPEG format, then reopen it, you may find that the color in some areas has shifted.

? In Corel PhotoPaint 6 if you try to scale objects across several pages, you may find that only the objects on page one actually scale. The work-around: according to José Camara, you have to entirely delete page one to scale page two, and so forth.

! If you are using CorelSCSI with Client for NetWare Networks, the LASTDRIVE statement added to CONFIG.SYS during CorelSCSI! setup may disable the mapped drives in the networks. The workaround: remove the LASTDRIVE statement.

? CorelSCSI does not support Windows 95. To get your CD-ROM to work, you need to disable CORELCDX, and try the version of MSCDEX that comes with Windows 95 instead.

? Here's a little bomb Microsoft dropped on Corel. The WTBackup (version 1.13) tool that is shipped with the CorelSCSI package is incapable of performing a complete system backup of Windows 95 systems. "This behavior is caused by new features included with Windows 95. Contact Corel about possible upgrades to the WTBackup tool," says Microsoft.

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