Application Header file Class Header file Class Class Name Superclass |
<X11/XawPlus/AsciiText.h> <X11/XawPlus/AsciiTextP.h> asciiTextWidgetClass AsciiText Text |
The AsciiText widget is really a collection of smaller parts. It includes the Text widget, an AsciiSrc, and an AsciiSink for ASCII locales or a MultiSrc, and an MultiSink for non-ASCII locales. This is dependent on the international resource.
If you want to specify resources for AsciiSrc or AsciiSink in a resource file be sure to use *AsciiText*resource_name instead of *AsciiText.resource_name, since they actually belong to the children of the AsciiText widget, and not the AsciiText widget itself. However, these resources may be set directly on the AsciiText widget at widget creation time, or via XtSetValues().
Since the 3D extensions of Simple are inserted, the AsciiText widget has the additional (but at this time not used) resources highlightColor, shadowColor and buttonBorderWidth. The default background color is now grey75.
When creating a AsciiText widget instance, the following resources are retrieved from the argument list of XtSetValues() or XtVaSetValues() or from the resource database:
Name | Class | Type | Default Value |
OBJECT: | |||
destroyCallback | Callback | Pointer | NULL |
borderWidth height sensitive width x y |
BorderWidth Height Sensitive Width Position Position |
Dimension Dimension Boolean Dimension Position Position |
0 12 True 100 0 0 |
CORE: | |||
border background mappedWhenManaged |
BorderColor Background MappedWhenManaged |
Pixel Pixel Boolean |
XtDefaultForeground grey75 True |
SIMPLE: | |||
cursor cursorName pointerColor pointerColorBackground insensitiveBorder international highlightColor shadowColor buttonBorderWidth |
Cursor Cursor Foreground Background Insensitive International Background Background Width |
Cursor String Pixel Pixel Pixmap Boolean Pixel Pixel Dimension |
None NULL XtDefaultForeground XtDefaultBackground NULL False grey90 grey40 2 |
TEXT: | |||
autoFill bottomMargin topMargin leftMargin rightMargin displayPosition insertPosition resize scrollHorizontal scrollVertical selectTypes textSink textSource unrealizeCallback wrap displayCaret |
AutoFill Margin Margin Margin Margin TextPosition TextPosition Resize Scroll Scroll SelectTypes TextSink TextSource Callback Wrap Output |
Boolean Position Position Position Position XawTextPosition XawTextPosition XawTextResizeMode XawTextScrollMode XawTextScrollMode Pointer Widget Widget Callback XawTextWrapMode Boolean |
False 2 2 2 4 0 0 XawTextResizeNever XawtextScrollNever XawtextScrollNever see documentation NULL NULL NULL XawTextWrapNever True |
Note, that the AsciiText widget class don't add any resources to the Text widget class.