XFree86 3.1.2E - xterm patch #15 - 1996/5/29 - T.Dickey
This fixes the problem reported by David Dawes, by making the 50msec select
timeout for the Xaw3d arrow scrollbar a resource. (I made it a boolean for a
variety of reasons -- to make it a number, you'd need an additional resource,
to avoid breaking the logic).
charproc.c | 13 +++++++!!!!!!
ptyx.h | 1 +
xterm.man | 5 +++++
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 6 modifications
Index: charproc.c
*** /build/x11r6/XFree86-3.1.2E/xc/programs/xterm/charproc.c Mon May 6 14:30:48 1996
--- /build/x11r6/XFree86-current/xc/programs/xterm/charproc.c Wed May 29 06:16:45 1996
*** 194,199 ****
--- 194,200 ----
#define XtNtiteInhibit "titeInhibit"
#define XtNvisualBell "visualBell"
#define XtNallowSendEvents "allowSendEvents"
+ #define XtNawaitInput "awaitInput"
#define XtNcolor0 "color0"
#define XtNcolor1 "color1"
#define XtNcolor2 "color2"
*** 258,263 ****
--- 259,265 ----
#define XtCTiteInhibit "TiteInhibit"
#define XtCVisualBell "VisualBell"
#define XtCAllowSendEvents "AllowSendEvents"
+ #define XtCAwaitInput "AwaitInput"
#define XtCColorMode "ColorMode"
#define XtCDynamicColors "DynamicColors"
#define XtCUnderLine "UnderLine"
*** 549,554 ****
--- 551,559 ----
{XtNallowSendEvents, XtCAllowSendEvents, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
XtOffsetOf(XtermWidgetRec, screen.allowSendEvents),
XtRBoolean, (XtPointer) &defaultFALSE},
+ {XtNawaitInput, XtCAwaitInput, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ XtOffsetOf(XtermWidgetRec, screen.awaitInput),
+ XtRBoolean, (XtPointer) &defaultFALSE},
{"font1", "Font1", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffsetOf(XtermWidgetRec, screen.menu_font_names[fontMenu_font1]),
XtRString, (XtPointer) NULL},
*** 1683,1695 ****
* a quick peek, i.e. timeout from the select() immediately. If
* there's nothing pending, let select() block a little while, but
* for a shorter interval than the arrow-style scrollbar timeout.
if (XtAppPending(app_con))
! select_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
select_timeout.tv_usec = 50000;
i = select(max_plus1, &select_mask, &write_mask, NULL,
! &select_timeout);
if (i < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR)
--- 1688,1704 ----
* a quick peek, i.e. timeout from the select() immediately. If
* there's nothing pending, let select() block a little while, but
* for a shorter interval than the arrow-style scrollbar timeout.
+ * The blocking is optional, because it tends to increase the load
+ * on the host.
if (XtAppPending(app_con))
! select_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
select_timeout.tv_usec = 50000;
i = select(max_plus1, &select_mask, &write_mask, NULL,
! (select_timeout.tv_usec == 0) || screen->awaitInput
! ? &select_timeout
! : NULL);
if (i < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR)
Index: ptyx.h
*** /build/x11r6/XFree86-3.1.2E/xc/programs/xterm/ptyx.h Mon Mar 11 13:48:46 1996
--- /build/x11r6/XFree86-current/xc/programs/xterm/ptyx.h Wed May 29 06:05:39 1996
*** 346,351 ****
--- 346,352 ----
int select; /* xterm selected */
Boolean visualbell; /* visual bell mode */
Boolean allowSendEvents;/* SendEvent mode */
+ Boolean awaitInput; /* select-timeout mode */
Boolean grabbedKbd; /* keyboard is grabbed */
int logging; /* logging mode */
Index: xterm.man
*** /build/x11r6/XFree86-3.1.2E/xc/programs/xterm/xterm.man Mon Mar 11 13:48:46 1996
--- /build/x11r6/XFree86-current/xc/programs/xterm/xterm.man Wed May 29 06:11:31 1996
*** 596,601 ****
--- 596,606 ----
Specifies whether or not auto-wraparound should be enabled. The
default is ``true.''
.TP 8
+ .B "awaitInput (\fPclass\fB AwaitInput)"
+ Specifies whether or not the xterm uses a 50 millisecond timeout to
+ await input (i.e., to support the Xaw3d arrow scrollbar).
+ The default is ``false.''
+ .TP 8
.B "bellSuppressTime (\fPclass\fB BellSuppressTime)"
Number of milliseconds after a bell command is sent during which additional
bells will be suppressed. Default is 200. If set non-zero,