cdk_position 3 2024-03-28 Library calls

cdk_position(3)                 Library calls                cdk_position(3)


       cdk_position - Cdk widget positioning key-bindings


       Position  methods for the Cdk widgets allow the user to move the wid-
       get around the screen via the cursor/keypad keys.


       The following key bindings can be used to move the widget around  the

         |Key               Action                                       |
         |Up Arrow          Moves the widget up one row.                 |
         |Down Arrow        Moves the widget down one row.               |
         |Left Arrow        Moves the widget left one column             |
         |Right Arrow       Moves the widget right one column            |
         |1                 Moves  the  widget down one row and left one |
         |                  column.                                      |
         |2                 Moves the widget down one row.               |
         |3                 Moves the widget down one row and right  one |
         |                  column.                                      |
         |4                 Moves the widget left one column             |
         |5                 Centers the widget both vertically and hori- |
         |                  zontally.                                    |
         |6                 Moves the widget right one column            |
         |7                 Moves the widget up one  row  and  left  one |
         |                  column.                                      |
         |8                 Moves the widget up one row.                 |
         |9                 Moves  the  widget  up one row and right one |
         |                  column.                                      |
         |t                 Moves the widget to the top of the screen.   |
         |b                 Moves  the  widget  to  the  bottom  of  the |
         |                  screen.                                      |
         |l                 Moves the widget to the left of the screen.  |
         |r                 Moves the widget to the right of the screen. |
         |c                 Centers  the  widget  between  the  left and |
         |                  right of the window.                         |
         |C                 Centers the widget between the top and  bot- |
         |                  tom of the window.                           |
         |Escape            Returns the widget to its original position. |
         |Return            Exits  the  function  and  leaves  the  wid- |
         |                  getwhere it was.                             |
       The numbers 0-9 are chosen to correspond to  the  numeric  keypad  on
       your  terminal.  Cdk does not handle the application mode keypad con-
       trol sequences, since those are not defined via terminfo.  To use the
       numeric  keypad  you  should ensure that it is in normal (or NumLock)


       cdk(3), cdk_binding(3), cdk_display(3), cdk_screen(3)

                                 2024-03-28                  cdk_position(3)