File :

--  Generated by the C program ./generate (source ./gen.c).
--  Do not edit this file directly.
--  The values provided here may vary on your system.

with System;
package Terminal_Interface.Curses_Constants is
   pragma Pure;

   DFT_ARG_SUFFIX : constant String := "w";
   Bit_Order : constant System.Bit_Order := System.Low_Order_First;
   Sizeof_Bool                  : constant := 8;
   OK                           : constant := 0;
   ERR                          : constant := -1;
   pragma Warnings (Off); -- redefinition of Standard.True and False
   TRUE                         : constant := 1;
   FALSE                        : constant := 0;
   pragma Warnings (On);

   --  Version of the ncurses library from extensions(3NCURSES)

   NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR        : constant := 6;
   NCURSES_VERSION_MINOR        : constant := 4;
   Version : constant String := "6.4";

   --  Character non-color attributes from attr(3NCURSES)

   --  attr_t and chtype may be signed in C.
   type attr_t is mod 2 ** 32;
   A_CHARTEXT_First             : constant := 0;
   A_CHARTEXT_Last              : constant := 7;
   A_COLOR_First                : constant := 8;
   A_COLOR_Last                 : constant := 15;
   Attr_First                   : constant := 16;
   Attr_Last                    : constant := 31;
   A_STANDOUT_First             : constant := 16;
   A_STANDOUT_Last              : constant := 16;
   A_UNDERLINE_First            : constant := 17;
   A_UNDERLINE_Last             : constant := 17;
   A_REVERSE_First              : constant := 18;
   A_REVERSE_Last               : constant := 18;
   A_BLINK_First                : constant := 19;
   A_BLINK_Last                 : constant := 19;
   A_DIM_First                  : constant := 20;
   A_DIM_Last                   : constant := 20;
   A_BOLD_First                 : constant := 21;
   A_BOLD_Last                  : constant := 21;
   A_PROTECT_First              : constant := 24;
   A_PROTECT_Last               : constant := 24;
   A_INVIS_First                : constant := 23;
   A_INVIS_Last                 : constant := 23;
   A_ALTCHARSET_First           : constant := 22;
   A_ALTCHARSET_Last            : constant := 22;
   A_HORIZONTAL_First           : constant := 25;
   A_HORIZONTAL_Last            : constant := 25;
   A_LEFT_First                 : constant := 26;
   A_LEFT_Last                  : constant := 26;
   A_LOW_First                  : constant := 27;
   A_LOW_Last                   : constant := 27;
   A_RIGHT_First                : constant := 28;
   A_RIGHT_Last                 : constant := 28;
   A_TOP_First                  : constant := 29;
   A_TOP_Last                   : constant := 29;
   A_VERTICAL_First             : constant := 30;
   A_VERTICAL_Last              : constant := 30;
   chtype_Size                  : constant := 32;

   --  predefined color numbers from color(3NCURSES)

   COLOR_BLACK                  : constant := 0;
   COLOR_RED                    : constant := 1;
   COLOR_GREEN                  : constant := 2;
   COLOR_YELLOW                 : constant := 3;
   COLOR_BLUE                   : constant := 4;
   COLOR_MAGENTA                : constant := 5;
   COLOR_CYAN                   : constant := 6;
   COLOR_WHITE                  : constant := 7;

   --  ETI return codes from ncurses.h

   E_OK                         : constant := 0;
   E_SYSTEM_ERROR               : constant := -1;
   E_BAD_ARGUMENT               : constant := -2;
   E_POSTED                     : constant := -3;
   E_CONNECTED                  : constant := -4;
   E_BAD_STATE                  : constant := -5;
   E_NO_ROOM                    : constant := -6;
   E_NOT_POSTED                 : constant := -7;
   E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND            : constant := -8;
   E_NO_MATCH                   : constant := -9;
   E_NOT_SELECTABLE             : constant := -10;
   E_NOT_CONNECTED              : constant := -11;
   E_REQUEST_DENIED             : constant := -12;
   E_INVALID_FIELD              : constant := -13;
   E_CURRENT                    : constant := -14;

   --  Input key codes not defined in any ncurses manpage

   KEY_MIN                      : constant := 257;
   KEY_MAX                      : constant := 511;
   KEY_CODE_YES                 : constant := 256;

   --  Input key codes from getch(3NCURSES)

   KEY_BREAK                    : constant := 257;
   KEY_DOWN                     : constant := 258;
   KEY_UP                       : constant := 259;
   KEY_LEFT                     : constant := 260;
   KEY_RIGHT                    : constant := 261;
   KEY_HOME                     : constant := 262;
   KEY_BACKSPACE                : constant := 263;
   KEY_F0                       : constant := 264;
   KEY_F1                       : constant := 265;
   KEY_F2                       : constant := 266;
   KEY_F3                       : constant := 267;
   KEY_F4                       : constant := 268;
   KEY_F5                       : constant := 269;
   KEY_F6                       : constant := 270;
   KEY_F7                       : constant := 271;
   KEY_F8                       : constant := 272;
   KEY_F9                       : constant := 273;
   KEY_F10                      : constant := 274;
   KEY_F11                      : constant := 275;
   KEY_F12                      : constant := 276;
   KEY_F13                      : constant := 277;
   KEY_F14                      : constant := 278;
   KEY_F15                      : constant := 279;
   KEY_F16                      : constant := 280;
   KEY_F17                      : constant := 281;
   KEY_F18                      : constant := 282;
   KEY_F19                      : constant := 283;
   KEY_F20                      : constant := 284;
   KEY_F21                      : constant := 285;
   KEY_F22                      : constant := 286;
   KEY_F23                      : constant := 287;
   KEY_F24                      : constant := 288;
   KEY_DL                       : constant := 328;
   KEY_IL                       : constant := 329;
   KEY_DC                       : constant := 330;
   KEY_IC                       : constant := 331;
   KEY_EIC                      : constant := 332;
   KEY_CLEAR                    : constant := 333;
   KEY_EOS                      : constant := 334;
   KEY_EOL                      : constant := 335;
   KEY_SF                       : constant := 336;
   KEY_SR                       : constant := 337;
   KEY_NPAGE                    : constant := 338;
   KEY_PPAGE                    : constant := 339;
   KEY_STAB                     : constant := 340;
   KEY_CTAB                     : constant := 341;
   KEY_CATAB                    : constant := 342;
   KEY_ENTER                    : constant := 343;
   KEY_SRESET                   : constant := 344;
   KEY_RESET                    : constant := 345;
   KEY_PRINT                    : constant := 346;
   KEY_LL                       : constant := 347;
   KEY_A1                       : constant := 348;
   KEY_A3                       : constant := 349;
   KEY_B2                       : constant := 350;
   KEY_C1                       : constant := 351;
   KEY_C3                       : constant := 352;
   KEY_BTAB                     : constant := 353;
   KEY_BEG                      : constant := 354;
   KEY_CANCEL                   : constant := 355;
   KEY_CLOSE                    : constant := 356;
   KEY_COMMAND                  : constant := 357;
   KEY_COPY                     : constant := 358;
   KEY_CREATE                   : constant := 359;
   KEY_END                      : constant := 360;
   KEY_EXIT                     : constant := 361;
   KEY_FIND                     : constant := 362;
   KEY_HELP                     : constant := 363;
   KEY_MARK                     : constant := 364;
   KEY_MESSAGE                  : constant := 365;
   KEY_MOVE                     : constant := 366;
   KEY_NEXT                     : constant := 367;
   KEY_OPEN                     : constant := 368;
   KEY_OPTIONS                  : constant := 369;
   KEY_PREVIOUS                 : constant := 370;
   KEY_REDO                     : constant := 371;
   KEY_REFERENCE                : constant := 372;
   KEY_REFRESH                  : constant := 373;
   KEY_REPLACE                  : constant := 374;
   KEY_RESTART                  : constant := 375;
   KEY_RESUME                   : constant := 376;
   KEY_SAVE                     : constant := 377;
   KEY_SBEG                     : constant := 378;
   KEY_SCANCEL                  : constant := 379;
   KEY_SCOMMAND                 : constant := 380;
   KEY_SCOPY                    : constant := 381;
   KEY_SCREATE                  : constant := 382;
   KEY_SDC                      : constant := 383;
   KEY_SDL                      : constant := 384;
   KEY_SELECT                   : constant := 385;
   KEY_SEND                     : constant := 386;
   KEY_SEOL                     : constant := 387;
   KEY_SEXIT                    : constant := 388;
   KEY_SFIND                    : constant := 389;
   KEY_SHELP                    : constant := 390;
   KEY_SHOME                    : constant := 391;
   KEY_SIC                      : constant := 392;
   KEY_SLEFT                    : constant := 393;
   KEY_SMESSAGE                 : constant := 394;
   KEY_SMOVE                    : constant := 395;
   KEY_SNEXT                    : constant := 396;
   KEY_SOPTIONS                 : constant := 397;
   KEY_SPREVIOUS                : constant := 398;
   KEY_SPRINT                   : constant := 399;
   KEY_SREDO                    : constant := 400;
   KEY_SREPLACE                 : constant := 401;
   KEY_SRIGHT                   : constant := 402;
   KEY_SRSUME                   : constant := 403;
   KEY_SSAVE                    : constant := 404;
   KEY_SSUSPEND                 : constant := 405;
   KEY_SUNDO                    : constant := 406;
   KEY_SUSPEND                  : constant := 407;
   KEY_UNDO                     : constant := 408;
   KEY_MOUSE                    : constant := 409;
   KEY_RESIZE                   : constant := 410;

   --  alternate character codes (ACS) from addch(3NCURSES)

   ACS_ULCORNER                 : constant := 108;
   ACS_LLCORNER                 : constant := 109;
   ACS_URCORNER                 : constant := 107;
   ACS_LRCORNER                 : constant := 106;
   ACS_LTEE                     : constant := 116;
   ACS_RTEE                     : constant := 117;
   ACS_BTEE                     : constant := 118;
   ACS_TTEE                     : constant := 119;
   ACS_HLINE                    : constant := 113;
   ACS_VLINE                    : constant := 120;
   ACS_PLUS                     : constant := 110;
   ACS_S1                       : constant := 111;
   ACS_S9                       : constant := 115;
   ACS_DIAMOND                  : constant := 96;
   ACS_CKBOARD                  : constant := 97;
   ACS_DEGREE                   : constant := 102;
   ACS_PLMINUS                  : constant := 103;
   ACS_BULLET                   : constant := 126;
   ACS_LARROW                   : constant := 44;
   ACS_RARROW                   : constant := 43;
   ACS_DARROW                   : constant := 46;
   ACS_UARROW                   : constant := 45;
   ACS_BOARD                    : constant := 104;
   ACS_LANTERN                  : constant := 105;
   ACS_BLOCK                    : constant := 48;
   ACS_S3                       : constant := 112;
   ACS_S7                       : constant := 114;
   ACS_LEQUAL                   : constant := 121;
   ACS_GEQUAL                   : constant := 122;
   ACS_PI                       : constant := 123;
   ACS_NEQUAL                   : constant := 124;
   ACS_STERLING                 : constant := 125;

   --  Menu_Options from opts(3MENU)

   O_ONEVALUE_First             : constant := 0;
   O_ONEVALUE_Last              : constant := 0;
   O_SHOWDESC_First             : constant := 1;
   O_SHOWDESC_Last              : constant := 1;
   O_ROWMAJOR_First             : constant := 2;
   O_ROWMAJOR_Last              : constant := 2;
   O_IGNORECASE_First           : constant := 3;
   O_IGNORECASE_Last            : constant := 3;
   O_SHOWMATCH_First            : constant := 4;
   O_SHOWMATCH_Last             : constant := 4;
   O_NONCYCLIC_First            : constant := 5;
   O_NONCYCLIC_Last             : constant := 5;
   Menu_Options_Size            : constant := 32;

   --  Item_Options from menu_opts(3MENU)

   O_SELECTABLE_First           : constant := 0;
   O_SELECTABLE_Last            : constant := 0;
   Item_Options_Size            : constant := 32;

   --  Field_Options from field_opts(3FORM)

   O_VISIBLE_First              : constant := 0;
   O_VISIBLE_Last               : constant := 0;
   O_ACTIVE_First               : constant := 1;
   O_ACTIVE_Last                : constant := 1;
   O_PUBLIC_First               : constant := 2;
   O_PUBLIC_Last                : constant := 2;
   O_EDIT_First                 : constant := 3;
   O_EDIT_Last                  : constant := 3;
   O_WRAP_First                 : constant := 4;
   O_WRAP_Last                  : constant := 4;
   O_BLANK_First                : constant := 5;
   O_BLANK_Last                 : constant := 5;
   O_AUTOSKIP_First             : constant := 6;
   O_AUTOSKIP_Last              : constant := 6;
   O_NULLOK_First               : constant := 7;
   O_NULLOK_Last                : constant := 7;
   O_PASSOK_First               : constant := 8;
   O_PASSOK_Last                : constant := 8;
   O_STATIC_First               : constant := 9;
   O_STATIC_Last                : constant := 9;
   Field_Options_Size           : constant := 32;

   --  Field_Options from opts(3FORM)

   O_NL_OVERLOAD_First          : constant := 0;
   O_NL_OVERLOAD_Last           : constant := 0;
   O_BS_OVERLOAD_First          : constant := 1;
   O_BS_OVERLOAD_Last           : constant := 1;

   --  MEVENT structure from mouse(3NCURSES)

   MEVENT_id_First              : constant := 0;
   MEVENT_id_Last               : constant := 15;
   MEVENT_x_First               : constant := 32;
   MEVENT_x_Last                : constant := 63;
   MEVENT_y_First               : constant := 64;
   MEVENT_y_Last                : constant := 95;
   MEVENT_z_First               : constant := 96;
   MEVENT_z_Last                : constant := 127;
   MEVENT_bstate_First          : constant := 128;
   MEVENT_bstate_Last           : constant := 159;
   MEVENT_Size                  : constant := 160;

   --  mouse events from mouse(3NCURSES)

   BUTTON1_RELEASED             : constant := 1;
   BUTTON1_PRESSED              : constant := 2;
   BUTTON1_CLICKED              : constant := 4;
   BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED       : constant := 8;
   BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED       : constant := 16;
   all_events_button_1          : constant := 31;
   BUTTON2_RELEASED             : constant := 32;
   BUTTON2_PRESSED              : constant := 64;
   BUTTON2_CLICKED              : constant := 128;
   BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED       : constant := 256;
   BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED       : constant := 512;
   all_events_button_2          : constant := 992;
   BUTTON3_RELEASED             : constant := 1024;
   BUTTON3_PRESSED              : constant := 2048;
   BUTTON3_CLICKED              : constant := 4096;
   BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED       : constant := 8192;
   BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED       : constant := 16384;
   all_events_button_3          : constant := 31744;
   BUTTON4_RELEASED             : constant := 32768;
   BUTTON4_PRESSED              : constant := 65536;
   BUTTON4_CLICKED              : constant := 131072;
   BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED       : constant := 262144;
   BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED       : constant := 524288;
   all_events_button_4          : constant := 1015808;
   BUTTON_CTRL                  : constant := 33554432;
   BUTTON_SHIFT                 : constant := 67108864;
   BUTTON_ALT                   : constant := 134217728;
   REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION        : constant := 268435456;
   ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS             : constant := 268435455;

   --  trace selection from trace(3NCURSES)

   TRACE_TIMES_First            : constant := 0;
   TRACE_TIMES_Last             : constant := 0;
   TRACE_TPUTS_First            : constant := 1;
   TRACE_TPUTS_Last             : constant := 1;
   TRACE_UPDATE_First           : constant := 2;
   TRACE_UPDATE_Last            : constant := 2;
   TRACE_MOVE_First             : constant := 3;
   TRACE_MOVE_Last              : constant := 3;
   TRACE_CHARPUT_First          : constant := 4;
   TRACE_CHARPUT_Last           : constant := 4;
   TRACE_CALLS_First            : constant := 5;
   TRACE_CALLS_Last             : constant := 5;
   TRACE_VIRTPUT_First          : constant := 6;
   TRACE_VIRTPUT_Last           : constant := 6;
   TRACE_IEVENT_First           : constant := 7;
   TRACE_IEVENT_Last            : constant := 7;
   TRACE_BITS_First             : constant := 8;
   TRACE_BITS_Last              : constant := 8;
   TRACE_ICALLS_First           : constant := 9;
   TRACE_ICALLS_Last            : constant := 9;
   TRACE_CCALLS_First           : constant := 10;
   TRACE_CCALLS_Last            : constant := 10;
   TRACE_DATABASE_First         : constant := 11;
   TRACE_DATABASE_Last          : constant := 11;
   TRACE_ATTRS_First            : constant := 12;
   TRACE_ATTRS_Last             : constant := 12;
   Trace_Size                   : constant := 32;
end Terminal_Interface.Curses_Constants;