

       XtFindFile - search for a file using substitutions in the path list


       #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>

       char * XtFindFile(const char *path, Substitution substitutions, Cardi-
              nal num_substitutions, XtFilePredicate predicate);


       path      Specifies a path of file names, including substitution char-

                 Specifies a list of substitutions to make into a path.

                 Specifies the number of substitutions passed in.

       predicate Specifies a procedure to call to judge a potential file name,
                 or NULL.


       The path parameter specifies a string that consists of a series of
       potential file names delimited by colons.  Within each name, the per-
       cent character specifies a string substitution selected by the follow-
       ing character.  The character sequence "%:" specifies an embedded colon
       that is not a delimiter; the sequence is replaced by a single colon.
       The character sequence "%%" specifies a percent character that does not
       introduce a substitution; the sequence is replaced by a single percent
       character.  If a percent character is followed by any other character,
       XtFindFile looks through the specified substitutions for that character
       in the match field and if found replaces the percent and match charac-
       ters with the string in the corresponding substitution field.  A sub-
       stitution field entry of NULL is equivalent to a pointer to an empty
       string.  If the operating system does not interpret multiple embedded
       name separators in the path (i.e., "/" in POSIX) the same way as a sin-
       gle separator, XtFindFile will collapse multiple separators into a sin-
       gle one after performing all string substitutions.  Except for collaps-
       ing embedded separators, the contents of the string substitutions are
       not interpreted by XtFindFile and may therefore contain any operating-
       system-dependent characters, including additional name separators.
       Each resulting string is passed to the predicate procedure until a
       string is found for which the procedure returns True; this string is
       the return value for XtFindFile.  If no string yields a True return
       from the predicate, XtFindFile returns NULL.

       If the predicate parameter is NULL, an internal procedure that checks
       if the file exists, is readable, and is not a directory will be used.

       It is the responsibility of the caller to free the returned string
       using XtFree when it is no longer needed.


       X Toolkit Intrinsics – C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libXt                   XtFindFile(3)