adacurses6-config(1) User commands adacurses6-config(1)
adacurses6-config - configuration helper for AdaCurses libraries
adacurses6-config [--cflags] [--libs] adacurses6-config --version adacurses6-config --help
This program development aid simplifies the process of configuring applications to use the AdaCurses library binding to ncurses.
--cflags reports the GNAT (Ada compiler) flags needed to compile with AdaCurses. --libs reports the GNAT libraries needed to link with AdaCurses. --version reports the release and patch date information of the ncurses libraries used to configure and build AdaCurses and exits successfully. --help issues a usage message and exits successfully. Omitting options implies "--cflags --libs".
Consider a program using AdaCurses to write the message "Hello, world!" in the center of the screen and wait for the user to press the "q" key before exiting. Populate a file hello.adb with the following. with Terminal_Interface.Curses; use Terminal_Interface.Curses; procedure Hello is Visibility : Cursor_Visibility := Invisible; Message : constant String := "Hello, World!"; done : Boolean := False; c : Key_Code; begin Init_Screen; Set_Echo_Mode (False); Set_Cursor_Visibility (Visibility); Set_Timeout_Mode (Standard_Window, Non_Blocking, 0); Move_Cursor (Line => Lines / 2, Column => (Columns - Message'Length) / 2); Add (Str => Message); while not done loop c := Get_Keystroke (Standard_Window); case c is when Character'Pos ('q') => done := True; when others => null; end case; Nap_Milli_Seconds (50); end loop; End_Windows; end Hello; Then, using gnatmake `adacurses6-config --cflags` hello \ -largs `adacurses6-config --libs` or, more simply, gnatmake hello `adacurses6-config` you can compile and link the program.
curses(3x) ncurses 6.4 2023-10-07 adacurses6-config(1)